Star Tulip
Star Tulip is a medicine for listening. The common name for this plant is Cat’s Ears – many hair-like extensions occur on the inner petals, creating the appearance of a cat’s ear. These hair-like extensions can be thought of as antennae that receive Universal or intuitive transmission. One might think about the instinctive nature of cats; their acute sense of hearing that picks up tones undetectable by humans and other animals. The energy of Star Tulip imparts the ability to hear one’s inner voice or that of Great Spirit through meditation or other practices that facilitate inner attunement. Connected to Divine Feminine, Star Tulip is particularly helpful for those who discredit their innate perceptiveness or have hardened themselves as a form of protection, preventing them from contacting intuition. This remedy is incredibly supportive for deepening spiritual practices (especially meditation), finding one’s own guidance, answers, and assuredness upon the journey of personal and spiritual growth.
Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.
Photo credit: Calochortus tolmiei — common name: Pussy Ears, by Eric in SF via Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Image file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license and the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2. Size of original image was altered to fit file.