

Those in need of Mimulus Flower Essence experience myriad fears during the ins and outs of daily living. This type of fear manifests as a sense of continual and chronic anxiety, even while there doesn’t seem to be anything occurring in life to warrant the anxiety. When fear isn’t addressed, it can fester into other expressions such as resentment, paralysis, or depression. Mimulus carves out space for the acknowledgment of fear, which, in its simplicity, can lead to transmutation. By gently honoring fear while not allowing it to take over, we have the capacity to reach for courage, interest in and engagement with life. Life can be perceived as adventurous, rather than scary.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Photo credit: Mimulus guttatus in Arboretum Rogow, by Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz via Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Image file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.