Indian Paintbrush
The plant medicine of Indian Paintbrush has all to do with creationism and, as an extension of that, creativity. We are all creators, just as we are all creative. The modern, capitalistic world imparts that what it means to be “creative” looks like someone producing paintings on canvas, writing poetry or song lyrics. These things are, in deed, all creative expressions, but they are only some of the ways that a person can be creative. An idea is creative, as is raising children, building things, doing something new, or planting a garden. Without our ability to understand these and other things as “creative”, we are limited in how we can infuse our lives, choices, thinking, and activities with our own creative energy. Indian Paintbrush helps to bring our own, innate, creative flow into the forefront of our awareness, building coherence between creationism and physical expression. This helps to imbue our lives with a vitality that can only be experienced when we more readily harness our own, individual versions of creativity.
Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R.Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.
Original image by Roberta Shepherd, HHP