Themes: Spiritual perspective, release.
“I am unattached to things and personalities in this world. I am aware of my spiritual being-ness.”
Many of us are overly attached to personality aspects – who or what we define ourselves as in this world and in this life. Over-attachment to identity, status and personality can cause great inner tension between the ego and the spiritual being. Chrysanthemum’s medicine is indicated for this precise tension, which sometimes presents itself as a midlife crisis that can include reeling at the concept of or in the face of death. Chrysanthemum helps us to come home to our spiritual being-ness, unattached to the transient aspects of ourselves. Its medicine provides deeper awareness and therefore release of the capriciousness of our human lives, so that we can find rest in the constancy of our spirits.
Recommended Activity: Write 2 lists alongside each other. List 1 will be Who you identify yourself as in this life – examples could include: parent, brother/sister, social worker, etc. List 2 will be Who/What You Really Are – examples could include: love, spirit, energy, etc. How does it feel to claim that you are NOT the things in list one? How does it feel to identify with list 2? Become aware of the feelings that go along with separating yourself from list 1 and identifying yourself with list 2.
Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.
Photo credit: Chrysanthemum × morifolium, by Prenn via Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Image file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Generic license.