Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart teaches valuable lessons around love and freedom, helping us to understand that the 2 are synonymous. True, unconditional love releases, while possessive love seeks to control, often in ways whereby the possessive lover validates themselves externally. The reason we feel “brokenhearted” is because we have lived and identified externally, abandoning ourselves in the interest of the relationship and the other person, and/or how the relationship and other person make us feel (validated, good enough, purposeful, etc). Bleeding Heart teaches interdependent love in the place of codependency. Interdependent love means that individuals in relationships maintain their internal locus of control, upholding self-love, self-care and self-validation, thereby bringing a more whole version of the Self to the table, creating a more true and nourishing version of love.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Original image by Roberta Shepherd






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When I first started studying Flower Essences, I hadn’t a clue what I was getting into. Our 1st assignment was to choose an essence based on a visual slide alone, with no sense of what the essence was for, go get it, and take it for a full cycle (about 28 days). Intuitively, I chose Bleeding Heart: the essence for brokenheartedness. It seems I knew back then that the healing gift of the Bleeding Heart would be my personal work for years to come. I’m currently taking Bleeding Heart again, having intuitively put myself on it BEFORE a recent breakup. .. The mending of a “broken heart” comes from the understanding that the experience itself (brokenheartedness) is a result of having lived too extensively outside of the Self. The healing of the broken hearted comes through emotional interdependence & unconditional love: a knowing that love & freedom are synonymous. By the gift of this most luminous essence, I’ve come to see that I never fully healed my original heart wound. I held on for dear life to someone who had rightfully heard their life’s calling elsewhere. So terrified that his departure would mean I wasn’t enough, I clung to the relationship, suckling at his life force like a vampire. I didn’t understand that I wasn’t expressing love, but addiction, self-reproach and desperation. Having offered me years of unconditional acceptance, I writhed in confusion around how to accept it & denigrated the covenant of our bond instead. His love was too big for me because there wasn’t anywhere for it to land. I did everything in my power to sabotage it. I didn’t love myself. Every breakup since has been as though pouring salt into the original wound that I never wholly honored into resolution. .. Today I love myself. I come home to my Self. Wholeheartedly. .. Namaste Bleeding Heart. .. I deeply bow to my first love and my last love. I release you to your life’s path with respect, honor & true love. .. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. .. #lovelessons #selfforgiveness #love #unconditionallove #loveandloss #brokenheartedness #hearthealing #bleedingheart #floweressences #personalgrowth #personalawareness


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